Discover YOUR Yonder Star Vision ...
This is a synopsis of the iLumn8 Open House Discussion hosted on March 11th, 2022, with Guest speaker Dwight Frindt. Dwight is a CEO Trusted Advisor, Executive Coach, Leadership Author and Strategy & Alignment Expert. He shared with us his approach to finding our vision in life, what he calls our Yonder Star AND how to follow it!
The Leadership Choice Point seemed the perfect tool to bring out given what we are dealing with in the world right now. Most of us are experiencing a lot of fear around our circumstances and are concerned for others’ safety and possibly our own. We may be feeling frustrated and uncertain about what we can actually do to make a difference.
One of the most powerful things we can do right now is recognize we have a choice. Rather than getting stuck feeling paralyzed and fearful, or worse apathetic, we can turn towards our Yonder Star and sense of purpose instead. While easier said than done, it is the harsh truth that turning towards our fears won’t actually help anyone, especially ourselves and definitely not the larger circumstances.
Turning towards a Yonder Star, or a bold vision, leads us to action, actions in service of a larger vision and sense of purpose (e.g world peace). This doesn’t mean we don’t still experience feeling fearful or that the circumstances have changed, nor does it mean pretending things that are happening in the world don’t exist. Rather, it means holding all of what is happening and taking action from a vision instead of fear.
We ALL have a vision ALL of the time
The question is - what is that vision? Most often, our vision is based on the current circumstances or history. For instance, we may wake up and imagine that today will look like yesterday. Sometimes our vision is shaped by fears, like something bad is going to happen because of what’s happened before or what could happen.
Our vision influences decisions about how we spend our time, money and energy. One thing that can happen is, we get seduced by the outside world and what we should be committed to and doing. Often this leads us down the path of jumping into others’ visions, just to be doing something.
Or, we can create a Yonder Star vision designed by what we are willing to imagine. Finding a Yonder Star vision requires us to dream, to imagine a world that currently can't be seen. A vision doesn’t exist until we invent it AND it can disappear very easily - especially in the early stages.
Finding your Yonder Star vision.
A Yonder Star vision doesn’t start in the cerebral cortex, rather it is already in our limbic system, our emotional center. Finding a vision requires us to go inward and pay attention to our emotional responses, particularly about what inspires us or even what ticks us off. LOTS of BIG visions are found in the angst of life!
Emotional responses point to what matters to us ..why we are here. Those things that bother us, bother us because we know, in our bones, something better is possible. The same is true for what inspires and moves us. Why our emotional mind is responding at all is because we already have an “imagining” for what could be … a Yonder Star vision.
Here’s a place to start … Think about what makes you light up, or what makes you angry, and see where those feelings are pointing you. A vision can be big or small. It can be world peace, or beautifying a small part of your world. Ending hunger or working with a family or group in your community. There is no right or wrong answer. And, paying attention to how you are experiencing what is going on in the world will give you clues to your Yonder Star vision.
One thing to remember, when doing this introspection, when listening to your heart and your gut, there is no language to describe what is there. Putting words to a Yonder Star vision can take some time and commitment. Look deep inside and listen quietly to yourself, being quiet enough to hear how the universe would want to use your life… if you let it.
Letting a vision be the guide.
We are very accustomed to reacting to circumstances, but that can lead to just constantly putting out fires. If we desire to truly be guided by a bold vision or Yonder Star, we need to learn to keep our eye on that vision while also living in the world as it is.
Quite often, when a bold vision presents itself, the first things that come up for us are feelings of inadequacy or that we can’t get smart enough, fast enough to pull it off. The truth is, we can’t pull off a bold vision alone. A big vision has no evidence or track record, so those feelings are valid. However, a big, Yonder Star vision is designed to pull us forward.
When we are being guided by a big vision, one of the skills we need to develop is our ability to say no. Saying no to tasks that can distract us or that are founded in fear, gives us space to say yes to what is needed to bring a bold Yonder Star vision into reality.
When I say no to the things that don’t feed my soul, I create more space for the things that do
-Shonda Rhymes - Year of Yes
In addition to being purposeful with our time, joy is another huge component of being led by a Yonder Star vision. This doesn’t mean that we negate, deny or try to bypass what is going on in the world right now. Rather, we can acknowledge the current circumstances AND choose to seek joy, stay in touch with our vision and trust that the next right action will become evident.
I will never apologize for embracing joy and beauty even when the world is falling apart because joy and beauty are my fuel for activism. Karen Walrond
- Lightmakers Manifesto
What is important now is to find a way to make a Yonder Star vision come to life, and keep it front and center. Begin to create evidence for it. Say yes to it now. Turn towards it, even in the midst of fear and circumstances, and to do that daily. After all, now is all we have, and now is when we choose.
Synopsis written by iLumn8 contributing author Sayfia Robinson, in-house copy editor Susan Bouet and founder Anne Peterson. The Leadership Choice Point and leadership ideas provided by Dwight & Suzanne Frindt and can be explored further in their book Accelerate: High Leverage Leadership Today's World.