We offer programs, products & services for over-committed, too busy women, designed to explore and enhance the connection to our feminine side.
"Goddess Living means living to your strengths, living as if you matter, being awake to your inner power source. Goddess Living aims to explore and discover the unique qualities of the feminine perspective and how that view impacts our sense of self, our value in society and our power to effect change."
~ Anne Peterson & The Goddess Guides
Why Goddess?
Women are demanding to be seen and recognized for their talent, skills and the right to be treated as equals.
In this short video, Goddess Guide, Ellen Snortland with her considerable humor and wit, shares why we say reclaiming Goddess matters more NOW than ever!
Goddess Getaways
Wellness Retreats for Women
This year enjoy A Soulful Escape: Luxury Wellness Ranch Retreat near Phoenix
Reconnect with yourself on a stunning ranch just outside Phoenix, staying in two luxury homes surrounded by nature. Each day, explore simple meditation techniques, learn to prepare healthy meals with guest chefs, and engage in thought-provoking conversations guided by Lettecia and Anne to tap into your inner wisdom.
Enjoy peaceful walks along historic trails with ancient petroglyphs and ruins, or relax with creative, stress-relieving activities. With plenty of downtime and optional activities, this retreat offers the perfect balance of rest, growth, and inspiration.
Come for serenity, leave with tools for a more peaceful life.
Goddess Staycations
A Journey to the Feminine Side!
We created Journey to the Feminine Side—A Goddess Staycation to happen right where you are. It is an opportunity to gather with a group of women who are up to big things! Women, just like you, who now have the added stress of job and financial uncertainty and disrupted plans. How do we take care of ourselves now?
Discover what it means to BE a Goddess. Using transformative inquiries, weekly practices designed to pamper you, plus special Goddess Talks! In this Goddess immersion, you will …
- Become part of an emerging sisterhood of women who are an ongoing source of support, strength and JOY.
- Open your heart and mind to the unique, sacred and precious being that you are.
- Develop your ability to use open inquiry to access new awareness and your intuition.
- Remember & Reconnect to your feminine soul.
Join in the Conversation & you will be notified when the next Staycation gets scheduled!
Community Membership
LIVE a Goddess Life
There is a Goddess in EVERYwoman EVERYday but she can be hard to find and even harder to maintain in such trying times!
With your membership comes a weekly dose of "how to's" ... tools and tips take care of your physical, mental, emotional health. This combined with regular LIVE sessions to commune, grow and learn with a sisterhood.
Join this community of women committed to empowering each other, elevating the value of the feminine and diversity in our culture, while building a network of inspiring and powerful sisters of many backgrounds.
Get Connected
No cost ways to Participate
Goddess Talks
Goddess Inquirer
Insights Blog