Imagining in Action Open House

Join us for a discussion...
           for turning our tired into triumph

Tired of feeling like there are so many problems and there is so little solving? Ready to start thinking outside the box?

Come and engage in a discussion about the BIG and SMALL issues we are facing, the issues we are NOT facing AND the shifts in MINDSET and ACTIONS needed to really SOLVE for these issues.

We will dive into what it takes to turn our NEW ideas into NEW realities, to SOLVE for ourselves and others.

If you are someone who is tired of feeling overwhelmed and alone in the face of all the challenges of this time in history this conversation is for you!

JOIN US to meet curious & creative people ready to create something new!   

Please select one
  • Please select one
  • Mon. Oct 25th 7p-8p CENTRAL
  • Fri. Nov 12th 11a - Noon CENTRAL
  • Mon. Nov 22nd 7p - 8p CENTRAL
  • Fri. Dec. 3rd 11a - Noon CENTRAL
  • Mon. Dec. 13th 7p - 8p CENTRAL

In this LIVE Zoom Open House you will meet

Anne & Suzanne

(aka the two Bougie chicks out to change the world)



(their philosophical janitor)! 

iLumn8 Summit Facilitator

|  Anne Peterson

|  Suzanne Frindt

|  Mark Goodman

You will learn a bit about the iLumn8 Summit happening this fall and all the WHATS and WHYS behind its inception.
A Summit about how we CAN solve the BIG problems of our time

All good ideas are welcome!

The Pandemic is a Portal

We are living in a time where
return to normal’ is an insufficient strategy to tackle the issues of our day. It has become clear that a fresh new look is required. 

We believe
author Arundhati Roy speaks to the opportunity
of this unique time
very well in this short video.
