Dr. Erica Dodds

COO, The Foundation Climate Restoration

iLumn8 Summit Featured Speaker Erica Dodd

Meet Erica

Dr. Erica Dodds, eco-anxiety and environmental expert, is a climate advocate working with the Foundation for Climate Restoration, the nonprofit committed to removing the excess carbon from our atmosphere. Erica spends much of her time speaking with youth and millennials about how proactive optimism is the only rational response to the existential threat of climate change. Erica has presented at the UN Headquarters and youth climate convening across the country.

CEO/COO of Foundation for Climate Restoration

The Future

Committed to climate action.

Restoring a safe and healthy climate.

Dr. Erica Dodds holds a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Evaluation and an M.A. in International Development Administration. Erica’s lifelong interest in poverty reduction led her to study abroad in West Africa, intern with an NGO in rural India, and work for the Evaluation Office of the International Labour Organization in Geneva. She is committed to seeing climate action work for today’s youth in addition to future generations, and she believes that the key is setting a goal of restoring a safe and healthy climate.

Take Action...


I pledge to take action to restore the climate to a safe and healthy state. I will support the Foundation for Climate Restoration and its partners to build on past progress and innovate on what is missing in order to accelerate climate restoration.

The Foundation for Climate Restoration will be sending out further actions and information to activate you during key working group moments, policy actions, and convening to ask for what you can do to help us towards our goals during these moments and overall. Read more on how you can support the movement!


In recognition of Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary in April 2020, Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese, Earth Day Network, and the Foundation for Climate Restoration are calling on all cities and counties across the nation to take action in support of climate restoration.

Sign our petition today to send a message to your local representative that they too should pass a Climate Restoration Emergency Resolution.

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Dr. Erica Dodds will be speaking at the upcoming  iLumn8 Summit - Imagining in Action 