Learn the Art of Communicating and Presenting
Powerful Presentations is a professional development workshop for people who want to learn to make the maximum impact with their presentations, workshops and any other speaking opportunities.
You will learn how to ….
Turn YEARS of expertise into that 20 minute presentation time slot.
- TAKEAWAY - Outlines and speaking notes that keep you ON TRACK.
Integrate the speaking environment to be impactful in ANY setting.
- TAKEAWAY - Whatever SPACE you have been provided becomes an advantage.
Deliver presentations that are compelling, NOT boring.
- TAKEAWAY - Your audiences are ready to ACT and move forward.
Navigate between engaging, instructing and moving your audience.
- TAKEAWAY - Your presentations FLOW keeping your audience engaged.
You will expand your competencies in these areas ...
Learn how to …
- Disseminate complex and innovative ideas with simplicity and clarity.
- Communicate difficult or challenging news with confidence and care.
- Facilitate effective meetings that inspire cooperation and evoke higher productivity.
Gain the Skills to …
- Design outlines and agendas that inspire and move people to action.
- Develop the personal confidence to take the lead at any moment.
- Speak to people from different backgrounds, other cultures and with diverse opinions, fostering inclusiveness and collaboration.
Develop the expertise to …
- Present ideas or initiatives that encourage and respect the input of other team members.
- Quickly and seamlessly adapt your presentation for different listeners.
- Navigate between engaging, instructing and motivating people.
Expand the qualities needed to …
- Demonstrate the characteristics & demeanor that garners leadership respect.
- Have the courage to offer your views & ideas in group settings & public meetings.
- Communicate with candor & handle adversity.
- Be adaptable, speak with emotional intelligence & get along with a wide variety of people.
In 3 days, you will get the best of our facilitator’s combined expertise about how to design and deliver presentations, impactful communications and learning experiences that are compelling.
Your Facilitators
Alan Cahn
Alan has years of experience training executives and other leaders to deliver presentations and other communications in a clear and compelling manner. He holds a Bachelor in Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Social Inquiry and has post-graduate training and expertise in strategic design, business management and practical philosophy. He is also a trained individual and group counselor. While Alan has deep expertise in business, he is also passionate about serving international non-profits.
Anne Peterson
Anne has spent the better part of the last 20+ years designing, producing and delivering practical and transformative inquiry based programs for thousands of people. She is an instigator & serial entrepreneur who has launched four businesses of her own as well as a handful of major initiatives for other change makers and developmental organizations. Anne is also known for training and coaching presenters and trainers to effectively deliver complex ideas to their audiences.
Who is this Workshop FOR?
Anne & Alan have trained hundreds of people, from a wide variety of backgrounds, how to communicate and present information and expertise in compelling and engaging ways, some examples are …
Corporate Leadership & Management
Workshop Facilitators & Public Speakers
Professional Service Providers
What all of these people have in common is the need to communicate in a way that inspires and moves people to act. These skills have universal applications and can be taught, practiced and mastered!
Interested in Powerful Presentations?
Let us know, and we will let you know when the next one is scheduled.
I found such value in the Powerful Presentations course ...
Lynn Falconer - Artist
The course taught me how to create a workshop that is a full experience. It leaves the participants with more than simply knowledge about the topic. They are left with a transformed relationship to art and creativity that they can apply to any area of their lives.
Over the course of the workshop, I was able to design every element of my own course, from the way I set up the room, to the instructional material, break time, ambiance, materials and snacks, and, most importantly, how I actually communicate with the participants.
A group discount of $250 per person is available for groups of 4 or more people. Groups must be an already recognized group (i.e. work or professional group), they cannot be a loose affiliation of friends.
Email [email protected] and we will provide the needed discount codes to use when registering a group.
NOTE: Only 1 discount type can be applied per registration (i.e. early registration discount or group discount).
YES ... The Heathman Hotel will be providing our attendees with a special discount code to receive a 20-25% off any room nights booked during the duration of our Workshop. Ballpark nightly rate is between $200-$230 at the Heathman.
The code will be posted here as soon as it is made available AND it will be sent in the Workshop preparation emails.
Attendees are encouraged but not required to stay at The Heathman.
The schedule of sessions is outlined below. See the FAQ specifically about booking at the hotel for accommodation options. For ALL attendees there is complimentary valet parking, complimentary wi-fi and access to the business kiosk.
All times are shown in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) / GMT - 7
Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
Welcome Reception - Orientation & Introductions 7:00p - 9:00p
Daily Sessions Schedule
Thursday, Oct. 26th - Saturday, Oct 28th, 2023
Morning Session 1 - 9:00a - 10:30p
Break - 10:30 - 11:00a
Morning Session 2 - 11:00a - 12:30p
Lunch - 12:30p - 2:00p
Afternoon Session 1 - 2:00p - 3:30p
Break - 3:30p - 4:00p
Afternoon Session 2 - 4:00p - 5:30p
Saturday Night Celebration Dinner - 6:30p - 9:00p
Sunday, October 29th, 2023
Hotel Checkout - Noon
We recommend you plan to attend all Workshop Sessions including the Welcome Reception and Celebration Dinner as they are an integral part of the program.
We know the Global Pandemic has made it financially difficult for many people AND we know that now, more than ever, we need support to plan and create BIG solutions for the BIG challenges we face.
If you would like to participate and just don’t have the available funds at this time, please send us an email introducing yourself to [email protected], make a request for what you need and scholarships will be provided on a as needed basis