March 14

The Gift of Fear

Enjoy this selection from our Goddess Living Community.  A community of women committed to empowering each other, elevating the value of the feminine and diversity in our culture, while building a network of inspiring and powerful sisters of many backgrounds.

Last week we shared with you the very powerful difference between Anxiety and Fear. We offered some tools for developing our capacities to calm anxiety. This week, we focus on the fear side of the distinction. 

Understanding Fear

We spend a lot of energy and effort trying to avoid fear or trying to make sure we don't experience fear. 

What if FEAR is actually one of the most valuable capacities we have as human beings??!! What if fear is actually a GIFT?!! 

When we understand that fear is a response to a threat happening right NOW, we can readily see the the gift it truly is.

Last week we shared part one, understanding anxiety. So often we confuse our internal imaginings and thoughts with true fear and use the wrong tactics for addressing what we are experiencing. When we can train ourselves to notice these internal thoughts as just that, and different from real fear, we are halfway there. We can use the many tools available to us for calming anxiety and end up experiencing less fear overall.

This leaves the question, though... what do we do when it is true fear

Do EXACTLY what your intuition is telling you to do!! (You'll likely feel it in your body as well.) 

We are thrilled to share with you a Master Class video series that Goddess Guide, Ellen Snortland, participated in. It is titled The Gift of Fear. These videos will guide you in how to relate to both anxiety and fear and what to do when a true fear response happens. 

We PROMISE, watching these videos will leave you empowered and feeling more at ease!

Watching this series was a recent Goddess Living Members Community weekly self-care practice. The videos are SO impactful we are now sharing them as widely and as often as possible!

Watch this FREE Master Class

The Gift of Fear

At a minimum watch episodes 1-3, these are about understanding the signs and warnings of danger or threat and how NOT to invalidate or dismiss what this natural gift is offering you.

*Episodes are 30 min each
