The Impact of Things Undone
For the last 5 years, Paul has been working on hard, complex challenges that make a difference in people’s lives and organizations’ effectiveness … after 13 years at Nestle and Microsoft and 17 years at Social Venture Partners … with people – business and civic leaders, philanthropists, CxO’s, engaged citizens - that want to do the same.
The Solution
- Develop a plan for helping private sector companies that want to be truly committed to racial equity
- Developed principles of high-impact place-based partnerships, one part of helping them implement a national economic mobility strategy.
- Developed go-to-market and channel strategies
- Content for a new philanthropic portal
- Business model for innovative school tech program
- Develop new joint strategies for working more effectively together, structurally and financially. Worked at executive and Board leadership levels.
- Strategies for long-term financial sustainability and jointly built financial and business modeling, along with theory of change work
- Strategic planning and business model evolution