We find ourselves heartbroken, outraged and emboldened by the unfolding events of the last week.
In 2019 our event production partner company Innovative Event Management (IEM) hosted a group of Russian Speakers (from Russia, Ukraine & Belarus) at a International Leadership Development program. Since the start of the events happening in Ukraine they have been reaching out and sharing with us what they are experiencing.
What has become clear is we are ALL part of this human family.
Most of us can barely imagine:
- Waking up to our homes, communities, workplaces, and social hangouts coming under fire.
- Urgent calls for armed defense of everything we hold dear.
- Instantly becoming refugees, fleeing with what we can carry, to a total unknown.
We can barely imagine being ordered to threaten and occupy homes, businesses and elected governmental offices of our own family, colleagues and friends.
These are the realities our teammates and colleagues are sharing with us, the horror and shock of it all.
In the midst of these unprecedented and daunting circumstances we are witnessing extraordinary examples of courage, resilience and … citizen leadership!
Emergencies and crises teach us about ourselves. They can be a gift that shows us who we truly are and who we can be. They call forth an urgency that moves us beyond idle speculation, worry and fear. They call us into action in a way we may never have imagined.
We are challenging ALL of those who know themselves as leaders to express and unleash the leadership that our brothers and sisters are demonstrating in such desperate circumstances.
We are dedicating our Open House Discussion events and the upcoming Summit - Imaging in Action to Accelerate Our Leadership to be a match for what the world is calling for.
WE (yes you too) can provide what these challenging times require!